What Is A Long Tail Keyword & How to Find One?

What Is A Long Tail Keyword & How to Find One?

When you create any website or blog, you definitely want tons of traffic in your page. But how can people know that your blog or webpages even exist? The best way is by optimizing the site using some keywords that can help both search engines and people search your page easily, among which the long tail keywords are the most effective ones. They help raise your organic ranking by placing you in the top position of the result page.

To make sure that your keywords are just apt, you have to be very careful by placing a good one. You need to do proper analytics of your business and then insert the best keywords. It is very helpful in generating revenue and increasing your popularity.

In the following, we have come out a tutorial about the special long tail keyword.

What is a Long Tail Keyword

In fact, they are basically a sort of keyword phrases that have a minimum of three or around 5 words in a single phrase. They basically help in SEO optimization and are used when a website owner wants to purify words search to the webpages and when the searcher is searching for something in particular.

Therefore, just like normal keywords, these are also used to define what is present on a webpage and what the publisher expects to get while performing a search by search engines. These keywords should be very specific so that they can drive quality traffic on your website, leading to more conversions as compared to normal keywords.

How to Find a Long Tail Keyword

How to Find a Long Tail KeywordIt is easy to find these keywords. You can use keyword tools like Google’s Adwords Keyword Tool, through which you can get hundreds of keywords from a single term. You can use other tools like Keyword Tool by WordStream to identify your wanted keywords.

In organic searches, your keyword should always be focussed. To understand the importance of a keyword and find a proper one, you should first analyze your business goals and target audience. You should also know how many sites already rank highly for your targeted keyword.

To get the best rank by search engines and for a better optimization, below are few tips that can help you to find out a good keyword with a long tail.

  • Use a variety of keyword research tool
    Use a variety of keywords to make sure you aren’t selling short without missing numerous long tailed keyword variations. For this, you can use Google Keyword Tool. You can try other options too like WordStream keyword tool, Google Trends, and Social media tools, etc.
  • Dig into your analytics
    Your analytics can tell you much of the keyword phrases that divert visitors to your website. By searching those keyword referrers, you can get numerous long tail queries that are already driving traffic. These keywords must be relevant, and they need to be good traffic drivers. Hence, you need to perform a good research about your business and targeted audience, and then set the keyword accordingly.
  • Borrow from your competition
    You can begin with head and mid tail terms that you wish to rank for, and then check what keyword variations are used on the pages that rank in the top 5 spots.
  • Use Google Suggest
    Google Suggest is a fantastic source of long tailed keyword variations. You can start with typing your primary keywords in Google search box and then check out for variations.
  • Browse Wikipedia
    when you research about a base term, you can try checking the Wikipedia page. Check the contents box and you can see many headings translating into long tail keywords.