Tips on Creating a Landing Page in WordPress

Tips on Creating a Landing Page in WordPress

In online marketing, a landing page is a single web page that appears in response to clicking on a search engine optimized search result or an online advertisement. Inexperienced marketers often direct all of their PPC traffic to their homepage, which can be a big mistake. There are many tips on creating a landing page. In below, we have listed the main tips on creating a successful landing page in WordPress.

Make Your Landing Page Laconic

The landing page of your website should be designed to show your information in a simple and laconic way that is able to attract people and make them want to stay longer, click through and discover more information. You don’t need to put some unnecessary writing or text on your page and make it messy. When many visitors come to your page at the first time, they just want to know what you offer but not the unnecessary information that they are not interested in.

Make Your Headlines Eye Catching

Creating a Landing Page in WordPressMost landing pages use the main headlines to confirm the offer and use a sub-heading for more information about your offer and the advantages you provide. The headline is the selling point, which is the thing that draws a visitor in and makes them read the whole article or even the entire page. Therefore, your headline should look nice, big and bold, which should be different from the normal ones. Visitors will click through if they see your article with an interesting and special title.

Show Your Success

In online marketing, credit is very important. On your landing page, show all of the famous companies or websites that have collaborated with you is the best way to make your page eye-catching. You should let your visitors or readers know that lots of people and companies have praised your website and your services. In addition, be sure to showcase your readers the compliments that your business has ever received.

Don’t Talk Too Much about Yourself

Creating a Landing Page in WordPressDon’t talk too much about yourself, which may make your visitors bored. In fact, visitors don’t care about your goals or aspirations. They just want to know what you can do for them and how you can make their life easier and happier. Therefore, don’t write too much about yourself on your landing page, just write what your visitors can get from you website and services.

Use Relevant Quality Images

Beautiful and eye-catching images make the page more attractive and make a better user experience. You can add visual cues to cue the visitors what they should do next. In this case, obvious route with arrows and bright buttons are very useful, by clicking which visitors can read the whole article and even purchase the service directly.

Utilize the Advantage of Color

A2Hosting WordPressColor can sway human perception. Different colors give different moods. For example, when decorating a house, energizing red is for a dining room to inspire dynamic conversation, yellow for a cheerful and relaxing kitchen. That means when designing your site, you should consider the color theory. According to the survey, green and red are the most popular button colors that can increase landing page conversions.

Offer Easy Registration Process

Almost all visitors dislike the fussy registration process. The more fields you ask them to fill out in your form, the less chance you have of them completing your offer. If your conversion needs a form, just minimize what you need. Many visitors will give up the registration for the tedious process. However, you can ask for more information on the thank you page once the registration is completed.

In addition, although many visitors don’t mind telling you’re their addresses and real name, they don’t want strangers to know their date of birth and phone number. Therefore, asking for information about birthday and phone number may cause your drop off rate up to 50%. Many professional marketers suggest that not include more than 7 fields in your lead gen form.

Recommended WordPress Hosting

In addition to the tips mentioned before, a reliable and affordable WordPress hosting solution is need when creating a landing page. In these years, we have reviewed thousands of WordPress hosting plans, and found that the packages offered by Arvixe, WebHostingHub and JustHost are the best. Besides us, they are highly recommended by the professional websites specialized in WordPress –,, etc.