WebHostingHub review is based on their industry reputation, web hosting features, performance, reliability, customer service and price, coming from our real hosting experience with them and the approximately 300 reviews from their real customers.
This company is designed for personal and startup businesses, operated by the sister brand InMotion hosting that has been a famous web hosting provider for small businesses since 2001. They have 2 data centers in the West Coast and East Coast of US with approximately 100 employees and 1000 servers serving for 300,000 customers worldwide.
Overall Rating
Based in Virginia Beach, Virginia, established in 2006, WebHostingHub is one of the best web hosting providers with the fame of being most user-friendly. Before knowing this company in detail, you can refer to this overall rating chart in the first place.
Community Reputation
WebHostingHub has a very brilliant reputation in the community. According to the statistics of the reviews we have received by now, almost all of WebHostingHub customers are quite satisfied with this web host.
So far there have been 333 reviews received from their real customers at our sister site BestHostingSearch.NET, the 99.7% of customers are highly happy with the overall service received, and there is nearly no complaint surprisingly. Read the WebHostingHub review statistics chart as below, or read through all the reviews at this page.
WebHostingHub hosting package is pricing for $6.99/mo, $7.99/mo, and $8.99/mo for 36/24/12 months subscription regularly, but now they’re making a compelling 44% discount for $3.99/mo for all readers visiting through this promotional link. Note that, for the first three months of 2/3-year subscription, customers can even purchase the service as cheap as $1.95/mo with an exclusive 72% discount.
It’s a pity that this company doesn’t accept payment via PayPal, but only for check and credit cards of Visa, Master, Discover and American.
1 year plan$3.99/mo
2 years plan$3.99/mo
3 years plan$3.99/mo
Credit CardYes
WebHostingHub supports almost all the latest cutting-edge technologies for Linux web hosting, except Ruby on Rails and PostgreSQL database.
Their 90 days FULL money back guarantee and anytime prorated refund break the record in the web hosting industry, ensuring that the online purchase is risk-free and worry-free. Besides, to handle the account cancellation, WebHostingHub has a professional electronic cancellation form. Therefore, if customers want to terminate their hosting accounts, they need to fill out this form and sent it to WebHostingHub.com, without the need of contacting support staffs via hotline, e-mail, and live chat.
Disk SpaceUnlimited
Free Domain1
Hosting DomainUnlimited
Google AdWords$75 FREE
Bing/Yahoo Search$75 FREE
Full Refund90 Days
Auto RespondersUnlimited
Disk storageUnlimited
Web-based EmailYes
PHP5.2.17 & 5.3.10
Cron JobYes
Image MagickYes
.htaccess OverridesYes
CGI SupportYes
Control PanelcPanel
WebHostingHub uses 100% Dell servers and has kept the huge investment (approximately 1 million USD) on adding/updating the servers yearly since 2008. Their colocated data center is rent from HE.NET in the West Coast, US. Also, the data center utilizes 5 separate fiber lines, 3 network providers with a direct access to the Internet and the network capacity exceeding 7500 MBits.
We do the performance testing for each reviewed web host by hosting the same site with the same WordPress scripts and the content. WebHostingHub is one of the best performers of the 100+ budget web hosts pricing below $10/mo that we have reviewed. According to the monitoring result, its server response time is only 397ms.
“Their servers never go down.” – when we surveyed on the reliability of WebHostingHub at BestHostingSearch.NET. See the customer rating statistics chart above, 99.3% of 283 real customers are highly satisfied with the uptime for the sites hosted with WebHostingHub.
We have set up an uptime testing through Pingdom to monitor a WordPress site hosted on WebHostingHub platform since Sep, 2011. So far, we haven’t detected any serious downtime which is longer than 10 minutes. WebHostingHub always commits 99.9% hosting uptime in the real world. In the November 2012, there was no downtime and network interruption, and the testing site was 100% online.
Customer Service
The company provides 24/7 US-based technical support via toll-free telephone and live chat. Thus, customers can contact the experts immediately. What’s more, the company has promised that the first response time is in 2 minutes, which averages under 30 seconds in the real world. The support staffs of WebHostHub are all well-trained to resolve any technical problems effectively. Therefore, there is no need to worry about the capability of these people.
Besides, multiple FAQs are included in the section of Community Q&A, which provide people with the solutions for some common issues specifically. The Guides & Whitepapers offers multiple useful tutorials for site building.
Host A Website on WebHostingHub for Different Purposes
No matter for starting a blog, a shopping site or a business site, people can do whatever they want with WebHostingHub. This is because that WebHostingHub keeps perfecting its hosting solutions for different purposes, such as blog hosting, email hosting, Joomla hosting, Drupal hosting, etc. In the following, we get down to the analysis for those mentioned services.
WebHostingHub Blog Hosting
Starting at $1.95/mo, WebHostingHub devotes itself to releasing affordable blog hosting solutions. In addition to such a low price, this company enables b2evolution, a powerful blog building engine, to help people start their blogs easily and quickly with the help of multiple build-in tools.
And also, WebHostingHub achieves a 100% compatibility with b2evolution by exceeding the minimal technical requirements of it. The hosting plan is supported by the latest versions of PHP & MySQL, enough PHP memory_limit, PHP XML module for XML-RPC related functions and XTML validation. In addition, PHP runs as suPHP for better security and the use of Apache mod_rewrite 2 module makes the website more SEO-friendly.
WebHostingHub Joomla Hosting
WebHostingHub is recommended to run a Joomla website. Apart from the fire-sale price, some needed features and high performance provide more possibilities, like what we’ve listed below.
- cPanel & Softaculous, 1-Click to install the latest version of Joomla in 30 seconds.
- 1000+ Joomla site templates and themes by partnership with 3rd Joomla template sites.
- Up to 256MB PHP “memory_limit” – sufficient to deal with large Joomla requests, even image processing.
- Run PHP as suPHP for the increased Joomla hosting security.
- 100+ Apache modules supported, including URL Rewrite, GZip, etc.
WebHostingHub Drupal Hosting
By meeting the minimal requirements of Drupal, WebHostingHub is also a good hosting provider for hosting Drupal websites with ease of use. Once purchasing the hosting package, customers can access to cPanel, and then they are able to install Drupal with 1-click softaculous in seconds. What’s more, over 1000 free Drupal themes are accessible for webmasters to style a unique website.
WebHostingHub Email Hosting
As the most common method of exchanging digital messages, email hosting is provided by many web hosts in the market. To make sure emails work smoothly, WebHostingHub has done a lot of work to make the related features perfect which are listed as follows.
- Auto responders & email forwarding.
- Email everywhere: be compatible with mobile devices.
- SPAM safe protection: protect emails from spamming, worms & spoofing.
- Secure POP3 email: the receiving server can store the message and make it available to the recipient who has access to the message via POP.
- Unlimited email addresses: if people are running large websites, the great offer allows them to create as many accounts as they need so that every message won’t be missed by a single colleague.
Conclusion – WebHostingHub is Highly Recommended
After reading so many outstanding points and positive reviews, the answer is very clear. WebHostingHub is highly recommended for people who are looking for a multi-purpose, reliable, fast and trusted shared web host at an affordable rate. In case that you are planing to have your web presence or move out from your current horrible web host, WebHostingHub is one of the best choices you won’t go wrong.