Is A2Hosting SwiftServer Platform Worth Going

Is A2Hosting SwiftServer Platform Worth Going

A2Hosting is a well-known web hosting provider that has focused on page loading speed since its inception. This company hosts all the accounts on their exclusive SwiftServer – the product of more than 10 years’ expertise to guarantee blazing-fast hosting for customers all over the world. How can it be so powerful? To answer this question, we have carried out an in-depth review of A2Hosting SwiftServer Fast Hosting based on speeding up technologies, performance testing, features, price, and support service.

SwiftServer Platform Technologies

As investigated, a 1-second delay in webpage loading causes 7% decrease in conversion rate, 16% decrease in reader satisfaction, and 11% fewer page visits. Therefore, A2Hosting features its SwiftServer with the latest advanced technologies and the highest level of specification to ensure unmatched hosting performance.

  • Solid State Drives (SSDs) – Unlike standard hard drives only performing hundreds of input/output operations each second, SSD is able to perform thousands with short access time and no latency. A2Hosting utilizes SSD not only for operating system or MySQL databases, but also for files and data, thus speed the webpage loading up to 300% faster than competitors.
  • CloudFlare Content Delivery Network – CDN is used to boost website performance with enhanced security and increased uptime. It copies website content to multiple servers located at different places, so people can view or download the content from the nearest CDN server. Among hundreds of CDN providers, CloudFlare is the most reliable one, boosting the page loading speed 200% faster. Besides, unlike many web hosts charging customers at least $20/mo, A2Hosting offers this service for free.
  • Railgun Network Optimizer – This tool is used to accelerate the connection between each CloudFlare data center and an origin server, achieving up to 143% faster HTML load times. Note that Railgun Optimizer costs customers $2/mo if they do not choose SSD in the checkout.
  • SwiftServers Specification – A2Hosting SwiftServers are DELL branded and fine-tuned by experts, featuring CloudLinux OS, 10 GB/s redundant network, 8 core server minimum, and 24 GB RAM server minimum.

Performance Testing

A2Hosting is undoubted able to offer fast hosting speed with all the above mentioned technologies, quality web servers, as well as world-class data center equipping with redundant power supply, automatic climate control, security system, and 24/7 monitored environment.

We have started a performance testing for more than 3 months by monitoring the server response time of an A2Hosting hosted WordPress site constantly. According to the result, A2Hosting has achieved a fast server response of 397ms averagely, much faster than the majority of web hosts on the market.

Other Benefits of A2Hosting SwiftServer Platform

In addition to excellent hosting performance, customers can also enjoy a cheap price, rich features, and responsive technical support.

  • Price
    A2Hosting offers a default 17% discount that allows customers to purchase starting at 4.97/mo instead of the regular price of $5.99/mo. At present, however, customers can get an even cheaper rate of $3.92/mo effectively by going through the following promotion link with the 1/6/12 months billing. Besides, with the hassle-free 30 days money back guarantee, the purchase is totally risk-free and worry-free.
  • A2Hosting Promotion Link
  • Features
    A2Hosting web hosting package is very rich-featured, containing unlimited disk space & bandwidth, unlimited domain hosting & e-mail addresses, the latest version of PHP & MySQL, cPanel control panel, all the popular scripts with 1-click installer, and advanced technologies like SSH, Ruby on Rails, Python, Ruby, and Perl.
  • Technical Support
    A2Hosting offers a 24/7/365 guru crew support that is totally US based. All the support staffs are professional with at least 3 years’ experience in this field, and are able to offer the most efficient trouble-shooting process with a good manner. Besides, the support channels are various, including phone, e-mail, live chat, and community forum.


With all the information discussed above, A2Hosting SwiftServer hosting is absolutely worth going, coming with excellent hosting performance, rich features, affordable price, and helpful customer service.
